Posts Tagged ‘rape’

Trigger Warning: This post describes a period of intense physical and emotional abuse by an ex significant other, including being raped by that same ex significant other. These descriptions, while not graphic, could still be intensely triggering for some individuals. Please read with discretion.

As a note, this is a general statement for folks with privilege in a given area. Which means it probably applies to you even if the specific examples given below don’t because you lack those privileges. Don’t get hung up on the details, think of the message. I consider this a For The Uninformed post, […]

Addendum: Replaced the ableist word stupid with fucked in the title. Oh look, another post about Roman Polanski. *sighs* Rape apologists are sort of like the really out-of-touch-with-reality conspiracy theorists. Only, they go in the opposite direction. Instead of making up ridiculous bullshit, stringing together barely coherent arguments based on a complete and utter disavowal […]

This post was originally published August 28, 2009 here. The “R” Word Series on Rape is a series of posts wherein individuals (not just me) describe their situations, challenging common views on healing and victim mentalities and challenging common conventions among society at large on rape. These posts may be immensely triggering. I would advise […]